CALL FOR PAPERS : UML&AADLÂ'2008,1199.html
Workshop held in conjunction with ICECCS 2008
The thirteenth IEEE International Conference on
Engineering of Complex Computer Systems
April 02 , 2008
Belfast, Norther Ireland
Submission deadline: December 01, 2007
The first OMG sponsored "UML & AADL" workshop was held at ENST Paris (Telecom Paris) in 2006. The workshop was focused on embedded real-time software-intensive systems that are usually found in the avionic, vehicular control and aerospace fields. The workshop clearly had a main concern which was to determine what architectural levels would be better described with UML as opposed to AADL and vice versa, how to use these two standardised languages together (integrating them using an MDA approach, e.g.: TOPCASED).
The second edition of the workshop, "UML&AADL'2007" was held in conjunction with the 12th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECS07). The AADL standard had just been completed with a behaviour annex proposal and the MARTE UML profile was about to be accepted. Thus, the main concerns of the second edition of the workshop were centred around which parts of the MARTE UML profile could be incorporated into an AADL PSM (Platform Specific Model) without overly complicating the language, how to maintain the non-functional properties and aspects of the design throughout the whole software engineering process and how to specify functional and non-functional properties of AADL components.
The third edition of the workshop, "UML&AADL'2008" will again be held with the ICECCS conference since many concerns are found to be common and/or complementary. The proposed topics of the workshop are revolve around the architecture modeling of complex systems. This year, the main concerns are:
• How to handle code generation from a high-level specification
• How to ensure architecture model verification
• How to model DRE (Distributed Real-time Embedded) systems with an MDA approach
• How to carry out scheduling analysis from system models
New real-time systems have increasingly complex architectures because of the intricacy of the multiple interdependent features they have to manage. They must meet new requirements of reusability, interoperability, flexibility and portability. These new dimensions favour the use of an architecture description language that offers a global vision of the system, and which is particularly suitable for handling real-time characteristics.
Due to the even more increased complexity of distributed, real-time and embedded systems (DRE), the need for a model-driven approach is more obvious in this domain than in monolithic RT systems. The purpose of this workshop is to provide an opportunity to gather researchers and industrial practitioners to survey existing efforts related to behaviour modelling and model-based analysis of DRE systems.
This workshop seeks contributions from researchers and practitioners interested in all aspects of the representation, analysis, and implementation of DRE system behaviour and/or architecture models. To this end, we solicit short papers (~6 pages long) as well as full papers (not more than 20 pages) related to, but not limited to, the followingprincipal topics:
• Code generation from UML (action language) or an ADL (for instance,building a runtime corresponding to what is specified in an ADL description, code patterns) towards multiple target languages. Presentation of code genaration frameworks, tool suites or component-based programming will be particularly appreciated
• Model verification to verify functional properties against constraints given in the architecture model
• Verification of non-functional properties given in the architecture model against constraints given in the model
• Modelling DRE systems with languages such as UML and/or AADL, ACME,Wright, or other ADLs
o Behaviour modelling (concerns described in the Scope part)
o How to enhance modelling languages and ADLs to capture real
embedded and distributed aspects in a convenient manner
o How to specify real-time requirements and characteristics in
modelling languages
Workshop Format
This full-day workshop will consist of an introduction of the topic by the workshop organizers, presentations of accepted papers, and in depth discussion of previously identified subjects emerging from the submissions. A summary of the discussions will be made available.
Submission and Publication
To contribute, please send a position paper or a technical paper to agusti[dot]canals[at]c-s[dot]fr with "ICECCS08 UML&AADL Workshop" in the title. Papers should not exceed 6 pages. Submitted manuscripts should be in English and formatted in the style of the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Format. Preferably, submissions should be in PDF format.
Workshop proceedings will be distributed to all participants and made available through the workshop website.
The seven best papers and a workshop overview will be published in the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings.
Additionally, all selected papers will be availables in an "IEEE Xplore Digital Library File Cabinet".
Submission deadline: December 01, 2007
All Notification of acceptance: December 15, 2007
Workshop date : April 02, 2008
Agusti Canals (CS, France)
Sébastien Gérard (CEA-LIST, France)
Isabelle Perseil (ENST, France)
Programme Committee:
Yamine Ait Ameur (LISI / ENSMA, France)
Jean-Paul Bodeveix (IRIT, France)
Agusti Canals (CS, France)
Mamoun Filali (IRIT, France)
Madeleine Faugère (THALES, France)
Robert France (Colorado State University, USA)
Sébastien Gérard (CEA-LIST, France)
Irfan Hamid (ENST, France)
Bruce Lewis (US Army AMCOM)
Dominique Mery (LORIA, France)
Thierry Millan (IRIT, France)
Richard Paige (University of York, United Kingdom)
Douglas C. Schmidt (Vanderbild University, USA)
Françoise Simonot Lion (LORIA, France)
Oleg Sokolsky (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Jing Sun (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Martin Törngren (KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Thomas Vergnaud (CNES, France)
François Vernadat (CNRS-LAAS, France)
Sergio Yovine (CNRS-Verimag, France)
André Windisch (EADS Military Aircraft, Germany)
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